At NEC, we aim to help students achieve their goals. We love to help students to advance their careers by gaining the essential qualifications that they need and which will help them to reach their full potential. 

One student who studied with us in order to achieve her dream of career progression is Gemma. Working as a full time dental nurse, Gemma decided that she wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a dental hygienist – an aspiration that she was also supported in by her employer. 

In order to make her dream a reality, Gemma needed an A level Biology qualification. Gemma already had other A level qualifications as well as a nursing qualification, but she lacked the A level specific to the university course that she wanted to enrol on. She decided to study with NEC’s Structured Fast Track A level Biology course in order to help her achieve her result in a year, studying whilst working. 

Studying whilst working full time can be intense, but Gemma found that she was able to make it work: 

“The tutors Donal and Usha gave so much support…The course was well planned out with a timetable to help manage the assignments and learning materials.”

Gemma now has a place to study dental hygiene at the University of Portsmouth, and believes that distance learning in order to make a career dream a reality is achievable, with her advice to others considering distance learning being: 

“Allocate time each week for studying and plan ahead to keep on track and always reach out to the tutor. Never be afraid to ask for help.”

Gemma’s overall assessment of her time studying with NEC is: 

“It was perfect and everyone was helpful and very responsive.”

We wish her all the best at university and in her career plans!

Inspired by Gemma’s story? Read other blogs here about NEC students who studied with us to progress their careers or change career path: 

  • Yue chose to study three Fast Track A levels with NEC in order to go back to university for a second degree and pursue a career in Computer Science. Read more of her story here
  • Edda studied A level French with NEC, allowing her to progress her career and take a new job in a French-speaking country. Read more of her story here.  
  • Darius studied A level Biology with NEC in a year in order to return to university and pursue his dream of studying medicine. Read more of his story here

Take a closer look at our Structured Fast Track A level Biology course here

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