What happens when there aren’t enough students to fill a classroom? Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Every summer there are dismaying articles about the decline in modern foreign languages in schools. Not to mention the drop in language learning during the COVID-19 lockdowns (Bawden, 2021). With fewer students opting to study languages, what happens when there aren’t enough to fill a classroom?

Josh found that this was the case when he came to select his GCSEs. With dreams of becoming a Formula 1 commentator, Josh thought a second language would be useful for his future career. However, there wasn’t enough interest in GCSE French for his school to run the course.

“Because my school wasn’t offering a GCSE in French as there weren’t enough people.”

Determined to gain a language qualification, Josh turned to NEC for an online solution. Whilst studying full-time at school, Josh enrolled on our IGCSE French course and is completing his work in the evenings and weekends.

Asked whether he is happy with the service provided by NEC, Josh said:

“Yes. Nothing could be done better.”

Schools often come to NEC directly to enrol students who have been absent due to illness, to take the pressure off staff in overcrowded classrooms, or in order to offer an under-subscribed subject. If you are a teacher and would like to learn more about how we can work with your school, please visit our schools page and fill in the form, telling us all about your needs.

Likewise, parents who are homeschooling their children benefit from our online courses. Each course is designed by subject experts and their child is supported by a dedicated tutor, leading students to the same qualifications offered in schools. Learn more about our support for under-18s here.

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