Complete an A level in one year with NEC’s online Structured Fast Track A levels. We understand that some goals and deadlines can’t wait so these courses are designed to help our students gain the all important grades they need. 

Can you do an A level in a year?

At NEC it’s no news that distance learning gains it’s popularity due to it’s flexibility to fit around the student’s needs and routine. Whilst some students may be able to spend a longer period of time to commit to achieving an A level, there are plenty of others who would prefer and benefit from a fast track course where the A level can be gained over the course of a year.

Whether it’s down to time restraints for university applications, career goals or just personal choice, fortunately it is possible to complete an A level within a year through comprehensive courses like a Structured Fast Track.

What makes Structured Fast Track A levels different to standard A levels?  

The Structured Fast Track A level is unique as unlike other NEC courses, study is focused into a 36 week course which you will follow from mid-September alongside a small cohort with whom you can discuss the course material. Live tutorials, past paper marking, a mid-course review, tutor support, a predicted grade and UCAS reference ensure that students are fully supported along the way and equipped to take their final exams come the summer. Structured Fast Track A level courses include Biology, Physics, Maths, Chemistry and Psychology with the courses having been written and developed by experts. These courses have allowed our students from a wide variety of backgrounds and vocations to gain the skills that they need to change careers, upskill within their own profession or gain qualifications needed to progress to the next step. Click here for a short introductory video.

Are Structured Fast Track A levels for me? 

Structured Fast Track is for anyone with the determination to study within a structured time frame with the help of the resources provided by NEC which will motivate and guide you along the way.

Structured Fast Track students have a variety of aims. One student, Chloe, completed two fast track A level courses alongside her full time nursing job in order to further her career. Her highlights of studying through NEC included the “great online tutorial interaction” as well as the course materials, helpful feedback and NEC’s facilitation of exam booking and the logistical side of the course. Studying in one year makes the course versatile for anyone looking to upskill or switch careers within a short time frame. Darius, another NEC student, was able to make a long term dream a reality through the Structured Fast Track A level Biology which allowed him to gain a space on Swansea University’s graduate medical course. More on Darius’ story can be found here.

Structured Fast Track A level courses are also designed for students wanting to gain a qualification in order to progress to university or hoping to retake within a year. One international NEC student from Sweden, Maddie, found the Structured Fast Track A level Psychology particularly helpful in allowing her to study in a structured way in order to gain a space at a UK university. Being able to study in a short period of time during the pandemic was also an important factor in bringing stability and helping to keep her motivated.

The ability to study and learn at my own pace was a really comforting factor, especially during the pandemic which has been troubling for many students in the world. I particularly appreciated the fast responses from the tutors and student support. Any question I had was always answered promptly.

Enrolment for the 2024/2025 Structured Fast Track session is now open! If, like Chloe and Darius, you are looking to go into a particular field or, like Maddie, to enhance your university application, enrol now to begin your studies in September.

Take a look at the full details of our Structured Fast Track A levels:

Enrol now by contacting our Course Advice Team on 0800 389 2839 or by filling in the following form. Don’t forget to include the course you are interested in and a preferred time for a callback.

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