Embracing a New Path: Jill’s Journey from Online Learning to Career Success in Art History Wednesday, 18 September 2024

In a world where career shifts and lifelong learning have become the norm, Jill’s story stands out as a beacon of inspiration. Having recently completed a degree at Leeds University, Jill’s path to success is a testament to the power of online learning, particularly for adults seeking to pivot their careers. Jill’s journey began with an A level History of Art course through the National Extension College (NEC), which set the stage for her eventual career in the art history sector.

The Early Years: A Passion Unexplored

Jill grew up in Northern Ireland, where she completed her O levels and A levels, albeit with some struggles. Despite a keen interest in art, she found herself guided towards more traditional subjects like geography, French, and biology due to the prevailing educational norms at her grammar school. “I always wanted to do art, but I ended up studying business studies and finance at university,” she recalls.

Her subsequent career path was eclectic, including various admin jobs and even a stint as a gardener. These roles, while fulfilling in their own right, left Jill with a lingering sense of what might have been. “I always had at the back of my mind that I wished I’d done something different at the outset,” she admits.

A Turning Point: Rediscovering Art During Lockdown

The COVID-19 lockdowns provided a unique opportunity for Jill to reevaluate her life and career choices. “Lockdown was one of those things that made me think, ‘I’m 53, if I don’t do it now, I’m never going to do it’,” she says. Encouraged by a supportive friend who lived with her during this period, Jill decided to pursue her long-held passion for art history.

She enrolled in the NEC’s A level History of Art course, which proved to be a transformative experience. “I called it a crazy idea, telling my friends I might go to university. I almost didn’t believe it myself,” Jill laughs. The course, however, quickly dispelled any doubts. 

“I enjoyed the course so much. It was exactly what I wish I’d done the first time around. It wasn’t dry at all, and I loved every single moment of it.”

Bridging the Gap: The Transition to University

The NEC course not only reignited Jill’s passion for art but also provided a solid foundation for further study. “The course was so comprehensive, it helped me understand and not panic when diving into complex subjects at university,” she explains. Jill credits the course with preparing her for the rigours of higher education, from essay writing to digital skills.

With her newfound confidence, Jill set her sights on the University of Leeds, her top choice for pursuing a degree in History of Art. “I wanted to do it at the University of Leeds. If they wanted me, great. If not, I’d figure something else out,” she says. Fortunately, her application was successful, and Jill embarked on a journey that would culminate in her recent graduation.

The University Experience: A New World of Learning

Jill’s time at Leeds University was both challenging and rewarding. “Without my time at NEC, I think I would have panicked and run a mile during my first week at university,” she reflects. The depth and breadth of the NEC course had prepared her for the academic demands of her degree, from studying influential philosophers to understanding the broader context of art movements.

Jill when she graduated from the University of Leeds
Jill after graduating from the University of Leeds

“The world now has an added little sheen. “Whether it’s something I hear on the radio, see in the newspaper, or encounter in a bookshop, there’s always some context or reference that I now understand.”

A New Career: From Student to Professional

Jill’s dedication to her studies paid off when she graduated from Leeds University just a few weeks ago. In a twist of fate, she stumbled upon a job listing on Twitter that seemed tailor-made for her. The position was with a local rare book and manuscript dealership, where she would be responsible for researching and cataloguing rare books. “I thought, ‘I can actually do this,’” Jill says with a sense of fulfilment.

She applied for the job and secured the position, marking the beginning of her new career in the art history sector. “I never anticipated moving into this career, but I’m excited about what the future holds,” she says. Jill’s journey from online learning to a professional role in her field underscores the transformative power of adult education and the opportunities it can unlock.

The Impact of Online Learning

Jill’s story highlights the significant role that online learning can play in career development, especially for adults considering a career change. The flexibility and accessibility of online courses, like those offered by the NEC, make it possible for individuals to pursue their passions and achieve their educational goals regardless of their life circumstances.

“Studying online isn’t just about the content; it’s also about developing digital skills and learning to manage your own time and resources,” Jill emphasises. Her experience reflects the broader benefits of online education, which can include improved confidence, enhanced career prospects, and a more profound engagement with the world.

Conclusion: An Inspiring Journey

Jill’s journey from a diverse array of jobs to a fulfilling career in art history is a powerful example of the impact of adult education and online learning. Her decision to pursue an A level History of Art course with the NEC during the lockdown led her to a degree at Leeds University and, ultimately, to a rewarding job in her chosen field.

For anyone considering a career change or looking to reignite a long-held passion, Jill’s story serves as an inspiration. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams, and with the right support and resources, the possibilities are endless. Online learning, particularly through reputable institutions like the NEC, can provide the tools and confidence needed to embark on new and exciting career paths.

Jill’s success underscores the importance of lifelong learning and the opportunities it can create. Her journey is a testament to the idea that with determination, support, and the right educational resources, anyone can achieve their dreams and transform their lives.

If you have been inspired by Jill’s story and would like to explore taking an A level with NEC, take a look at our courses today.

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