It’s Valentine’s day, so we thought we’d talk about our biggest love at NEC: learning! There are so many reasons to love learning, these are our top 5.

1: There are so many ways to learn!

If the thought of a classroom sends you running for the hills, you can learn online, like an NEC course. You can watch videos, do quizzes and even have a personal tutor. The speed that modern technology is advancing is making the learning landscape an exciting place to be.

2: You can learn at any age.

The official school leaving age has risen to 18, but even if you’re not planning on going on to University, your learning journey doesn’t have to end there. NEC welcomes students of all ages.

3: You can study, well, just about anything.

Whatever your passion—English, maths, science, Latin or perhaps the history of art—chances are you’ll be able to find a course on it. NEC, for example, has over 80 courses, including all of the topics we just mentioned and many more!

4: It builds confidence.

Time and time again, we hear that one of the results of learning, is building confidence. If you have been out of study for a while, it can be daunting to start again. Taking a course can help you to build the confidence to take the next steps in your learning journey.

5: It can change your life!

Getting back into learning really can change your life. As well as building confidence, it can open the doors to a new career or to a promotion. In a recent survey of NEC students, more than 50% of respondents said that they went on to further or higher study as a result of taking an NEC course. One respondent told us that as a result of taking a course, he was able to become ordained. Another told us that her course led to her publishing two books.

We hope that the reasons for our passion for education help you to ignite your own love of learning. If you want to take a step on your learning journey, take a look at our range of courses and see if there’s one for you!

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