With a multitude of subjects to choose at A level, how do you decide which is right for you? Do you chose subjects that you’re best at or subjects that you find fascinating? Do you think about what your parents and teachers say or what future career you aspire to? Or do you choose something that allows you to keep your options open?

In our blog this week we explore five of the reasons you might want to choose Business or Economics A levels as the next step on your learning journey. We’ll also take a look at how studying them with NEC works.

So, why business or economics?

  1. They can help you to become a billionaire! We’re not saying study these and you’ll be rich, but a recent study reported in The Independent had these, along with engineering, in the top 3 subjects likely to create a billionaire. Of course studying either of these subjects is no guarantee of success, but you have to start somewhere if you want to make it in business and with an unlimited earning potential, you should consider these as options if you are motivated by the thought of potentially high earnings.
  2. Develop an awareness of the world around you. Considering how volatile the economy has been in recent years, you might be interested in developing a good understanding of how the effects of certain actions can be felt globally. Studying economics can help to satisfy your curiosity for the world around you.
  3. A range of career choices. The study of business and economics can help you on a variety of career paths. You might consider working in marketing, human resources or management. Studying business or economics can also lead to careers in almost any sector of industry, from banking to fashion, every company needs business minded individuals.
  4. University. If you are planning to study either of these or a related subject at Higher Education level, then an A level is essential to give you the background knowledge that you’ll need and the best possible chance of success. Both of these subjects also promote independent learning and essay writing skills which are invaluable for university study.
  5. Starting your own business empire. If you dream of becoming the next Lord Alan Sugar with your very own business empire, then the study of business or economics can help you to develop the fundamental skills that you’ll need to succeed. A solid understanding of business and economics can set you on the right path.

So those are our reasons. Are you or have you studied either business or economics? What are your reasons? Leave a comment below or tweet us to share your thoughts.

NEC offers both Business and Economics as part of our range of Gold Star A levels. High-quality learning resources are delivered through our excellent online system learn@nec in a range of media, including PDFs, interactive quizzes, e-books and video. An experienced subject expert tutor will be with you every step of the way to mark your work and give you feedback and encouragement, as well as our team of course co-ordinators here at NEC HQ.

To learn more about NEC and our wide range of flexible distance learning courses, browse our website by navigating to the Courses sections listed under the menu at the top of the page, or talk to our friendly team of course advisors by calling free from any UK landline: 0800 389 2839.

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