Three A levels alongside full time work allows NEC student to return to university for second degree Wednesday, 18 August 2021

NEC students study with us for a variety of reasons, including choosing to take qualifications that will allow them to change career direction. 

Yue chose to take three A levels with NEC in order to go back to university. Already working in a full time job in London, she decided that she wanted to return to university to take a second undergraduate degree, this time in Computer Science. The course that she wanted to take required that she attain grades of A*A*A* in A levels of Maths, Further Maths and Physics, qualifications that she did not have! 

After some online research, Yue came across NEC and made the decision to study with us:

I did some research online and found NEC a good choice… I’m very pleased with NEC and I’m glad I made the decision to study at NEC. 

Taking three A levels at the same time as working full time during the day meant that organisation was essential for Yue: 

I worked full time during the day so the flexibility to study was exactly what I needed. 

However Yue found that NEC supported her the whole way and was very pleased with her experience.  

All 5 stars! My tutors were brilliant, they provided detailed feedback on every assignment and answered my questions promptly. The course materials were excellent, especially those for Maths and Further Maths. I also found the practicing questions very helpful and were enough to prepare me for the exams. 

Yue will start university this September and we wish her all the best for her Computer Science degree. 

Inspired by Yue’s story? 

Explore our flexible online A levels. Looking to complete an A level within a year? Find out more about our Structured Fast Track A levels.

Interested in taking qualifications to change careers? Take a look at our Career Tracks here for more information.  

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