Distance learning as a mature student working abroad: Chun’s Experience Monday, 18 September 2023

As distance learning has grown in popularity as an effective alternative to traditional learning, the benefits of this type of study for mature students has become more and more apparent.

For Chun, a mature student in his thirties, the ability to study online came as a huge benefit when working full time abroad. 

Much like many mature students, finding the time to study around a working schedule can be difficult, but Chun has persisted and found a routine that works for him.

Chun states I generally spend around 30 minutes, 5-6 evenings a week to study. It can be challenging at times, especially at the beginning as a routine needs to be in place. Once studying was a priority it became a lot easier and less chore-like.”

If you are considering returning to education as a mature student, rest assured that there are many benefits to homeschool/online study. Chun acknowledged that this type or education allowed him to study his way.

“The single biggest advantage is studying my way. I’m from a creative background and benefit tremendously from images and diagrams. I can spend my time studying the way that’s beneficial to my style of learning. Some concepts can be challenging to understand (especially in science), distance learning allows me to “translate” the information into something that’s instrumental to my learning.”

When asked what are the biggest challenges, Chun replied “I feel the biggest challenge was not being able to discuss the topics with peers. It would be nice to be able to talk about ideas with other people who’s at the same level as myself.”

“I use the forum – whether to answer or ask questions. I do find it challenging as replies are generally a single message opposed to discussions.”

Although Chun found this difficult at times, he later elaborated on communication between him and his NEC tutor saying “my tutor is only a message away.”

Regardless of any challenges Chun has come across, he was happy to share the positives from his online experience saying “I think it would benefit older individuals like myself who’ve been out of education for a while to “get back” into learning or potential career switches. I’ve learnt a lot and feel I’ve acquired a lot of information. Self study outside of the course helps a lot too!”


If Chuns’ story has inspired you to return to education and you’d like to learn more about studying a distance learning course as a mature student with NEC, get in touch today by calling 0800 389 2839 or send us an email.

You can explore our full range of courses here

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