Amanda Davies

Mia’s NEC experience and her pursuit of knowledge

Mia’s NEC experience and her pursuit of knowledge

There are a number of reasons why students decide that distance learning is a suitable form of education for them and their needs. In Mia’s case, she decided to take on GCSEs early and as a result, found a passion for creative writing. Mia shares: “My parents researched online and thought the NEC would be […]

Andrew’s experience: How homeschooling helps balance education and family commitments

Andrew’s experience: How homeschooling helps balance education and family commitments

Arguably, one of the biggest benefits to online and distance learning is the freedom it allows students to study at a time and place that best suits their needs. For eighteen year old Andrew who lives in East Asia, this benefit was a huge help when balancing his education alongside family commitments. “I have quite […]

Embracing Distance Learning: A Path to Inclusive Education and Lifelong Learning

Embracing Distance Learning: A Path to Inclusive Education and Lifelong Learning

In the realm of education policy, recent discussions have circled around the merits of reshaping our approach to learning, making it more inclusive and adaptable to the diverse needs of individuals. The evolving landscape of education demands a shift from traditional models to innovative strategies that cater to the ever-changing dynamics of our society. A […]

National Extension College: Sixty years of second chance learning – FE Week

National Extension College: Sixty years of second chance learning – FE Week

“There is no doubt that its (National Extension College) original remit – to offer second chances to learners in our educationally divided country – is as relevant as ever. And any lifelong learning policy worth having must surely find an effective way of supporting institutions and provision dedicated to those ends.” The National Extension College […]

National Extension College celebrates its 60th birthday

National Extension College celebrates its 60th birthday

The National Extension College (NEC), is marking a special birthday in 2023 as we celebrate 60 years since the college was founded by Michael Young, Lord Young of Dartington. Throughout August, we’ll be posting some blogs to celebrate our 60 years.  NEC at 60 Established in August 1963 as a not-for-profit distance learning provider, NEC […]

Resits or retakes – what is the difference?

Resits or retakes – what is the difference?

Examinations play a crucial role in our educational journey, and sometimes we don’t achieve the results we had hoped for. However, it’s important to remember that a setback is not the end of the road. If you find yourself in such a situation, you might come across terms like ‘resits’ and ‘retakes.’ In this blog […]

Why study Classics as a teacher?

Why study Classics as a teacher?

The Classical Association is offering five bursaries for state sector teachers to study A level Classical Civilisation flexibly with NEC. Bursary recipients will be able to begin studying in September 2023 and to complete their Classical Civilisation A level either in June 2024 or June 2025. Gráinne Cassidy, Education Co-ordinator at The Classical Association and […]

The benefits of offering Classics to your students

The benefits of offering Classics to your students

The Classical Association is offering five bursaries for state sector teachers to study A level Classical Civilisation flexibly with NEC. Bursary recipients will be able to begin studying in September 2023 and to complete their Classical Civilisation A level either in June 2024 or June 2025. Gráinne Cassidy, Education Co-ordinator at The Classical Association and […]

The key to reviving social mobility

The key to reviving social mobility

In our blog post on 13th July 2023, Is education the answer to social mobility? The contribution of the National Extension College, Ros Morpeth, Board of Trustees Member and former CEO of NEC, penned a powerful letter in response to an article by Polly Toynbee (At last, Labour is admitting the defining role of class […]

Is education the answer to social mobility? The contribution of the National Extension College.

Is education the answer to social mobility? The contribution of the National Extension College.

All political parties talk loudly about their commitment to social mobility and levelling up, but progress over the last decades has been dire and many commentators agree that that social mobility has gone into reverse and is maybe about to get worse.  In a recent article in the Guardian, (At last, Labour is admitting the […]