
From NEC to Oxford

From NEC to Oxford

Ella studied A level English Literature and Classical Civilisation with NEC, obtaining an A* and A grade respectively. She has now been offered a place to read English and German at the University of Oxford this autumn. “My experience of school was not very positive, I experienced bullying and discrimination, and was also aware of […]

Educating Rita – A Sociological Perspective

Educating Rita – A Sociological Perspective Educating Rita - A Sociological Perspective

Image source: Educating Rita (2019). Cambridge Arts Theatre. I went to see the play Educating Rita with colleagues from the NEC. Having not seen the film, I knew little about it other than the description I had read in the Cambridge Arts Theatre booklet. To give a brief overview it tells the story of Rita, […]

Why study Latin?

Why study Latin?

Why study Latin? With around 60% of the English Language having its roots in Latin, you’ll find there are Latin words that you will know already and not even realise. ‘Aqua’, for example, meaning water, is used in words such as ‘aquatic’, ‘aquarium’ and even DC Comics’ favourite Atlantan Aquaman. There are so many reasons […]

Celebrating 30 years of the Prisoners’ Education Trust

Celebrating 30 years of the Prisoners’ Education Trust Prisoners' Education Trust: Celebrating 30 years

The Prisoners’ Education Trust was started around a kitchen table in 1989 by David Burton, Donald McGovern and Elizabeth Andrew. All were passionate about the power of education to transform lives and the shocking lack of educational opportunities in prisons. 30 years on PET is working with every prison in England and Wales, and has provided educational […]

Finding a way to pay for your learning

Finding a way to pay for your learning

Photo credit: Nick Youngson – Some offers listed on this page may have now expired. For the latest information on our fees and services, including special offers if we are running them, please visit our fee information page. If you’re looking for help toward funding an online or distance learning course, it can be […]