
How did distance learning students do in A levels and GCSEs compared to those in schools?

How did distance learning students do in A levels and GCSEs compared to those in schools?

NEC students achieved a high overall pass rate of 98.5% in both GCSEs and A levels. Background 2021 saw another year of exam cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government decided in January that with ongoing cases and intermittent lockdowns, results would this time be based on Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). In comparison to […]

GCSE French leads to a love for the language and an AS level!

GCSE French leads to a love for the language and an AS level!

Sarah decided to study GCSE French with NEC at the same time that her son was also taking his GCSEs at school. She wanted a structure to her language learning, and a course that would keep her motivated to stay focused on harder topics such as grammar.  Studying with NEC was not Sarah’s first experience […]

Three A levels alongside full time work allows NEC student to return to university for second degree

Three A levels alongside full time work allows NEC student to return to university for second degree

NEC students study with us for a variety of reasons, including choosing to take qualifications that will allow them to change career direction.  Yue chose to take three A levels with NEC in order to go back to university. Already working in a full time job in London, she decided that she wanted to return […]

A level French leads to career progression and a second chance at languages!

A level French leads to career progression and a second chance at languages!

NEC student Edda’s story gives insight into the importance of lifelong learning and not letting criticism get you down. Having been told in Year 8 by a French teacher that she was “hopeless at languages”, Edda was not entered by her school for the French O level or CSE (equivalent to foundation GCSE) and believed […]

Is it possible to balance work and study?

Is it possible to balance work and study?

You don’t have to have a career in mind to pursue your interests. Nikki was working full-time and had already achieved 10 GCSEs, 4 A levels and a maths degree when she decided to enrol with NEC. Nikki says that it’s her love of history that brought her back into education.  “My study is completely […]

A levels alongside full-time performing arts college leads to nursing at University of Southampton

A levels alongside full-time performing arts college leads to nursing at University of Southampton

With a part-time job and studying full-time at her local performing arts college, Kayleigh found that distance learning with NEC fit around her other commitments. Structured Fast Track A level Biology gave her the opportunity to complete an A level within a year with the benefits of a set schedule, assignment deadlines, tutor support and […]

How do I retake my GCSEs or A levels?

How do I retake my GCSEs or A levels?

The pandemic has meant that both providers and students have had to continually adapt to ever-changing circumstances.     This year, exam results will be based on Teacher Assessed Grades in which teachers will assign results based on a range of evidence of their students’ performance including mock exams and non-examination assessments (coursework).  Teachers have shared […]

How can studying improve your teaching?

How can studying improve your teaching?

As Head of Art at an academy in South East London, Aasha understands how difficult it has been for teachers to adapt to a new way of teaching. In the following article, she explores how studying on NEC’s A level History of Art course has improved her teaching and benefited her students. Why choose A […]

83 year old author and lifelong learning advocate, Diana, used lockdown to pursue her interest in philosophy

83 year old author and lifelong learning advocate, Diana, used lockdown to pursue her interest in philosophy

When lockdown hit, Diana (83) decided to use her time shielding to pursue a subject that has fascinated her for the last 10 years. Born in 1937, Diana passed the eleven-plus but home life made studying difficult. With parents focused on marriage prospects, she left school at 14 and went out to work. Diana had […]

Doing A level Biology in a year with NEC leads to medicine at Swansea University

Doing A level Biology in a year with NEC leads to medicine at Swansea University

After deciding to return to university to study medicine, Darius considered independently organising and sitting an A level but wasn’t sure where to start. His research brought him to NEC’s Structured Fast Track A level Biology. “I chose NEC because of all the positive reviews I had seen online. The onboarding website and team were […]