
Who are the science and technology stars of tomorrow?

Who are the science and technology stars of tomorrow?

For years employers have warned that the UK faces a skills shortage in many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) roles. For example, EngineeringUK recently announced that the UK needs 1.8 million new engineers and technicians by 2025. At the NEC, STEM subjects are amongst our most popular GCSE and A level courses. We recently […]

‘Teachers shouldn’t confiscate pupils’ phones: they’re vital for learning.’

‘Teachers shouldn’t confiscate pupils’ phones: they’re vital for learning.’

This week’s blogger is former NEC GCSE English student Naila Din. Now a freelance arts advisor and business coach, Naila turned to teaching as a second career after studying graphic design at university and working as a graphic designer in the world of web design before embarking on a career in education. Her enthusiasm for […]

A lesson in innovation: Ángela Ruiz Robles

A lesson in innovation: Ángela Ruiz Robles

“Ángela Ruiz Robles with her Mechanical Encylopedia” by ITU Pictures / License: CC BY 2.0 As a distance learning provider, the NEC was founded on the aspiration to widen access to education. Doing things differently is part of our DNA and innovative thinking has been required from day one. From looking at how new technology can enhance […]

What can we learn from Finland?

What can we learn from Finland?

A Finnish Education No inspections, no tests, no uniforms and no fees. A valued teaching profession, shorter school days and starting school at seven. Do all these elements add-up to a world-leading education system? In Finland, it appears they do. Finland has consistently ranked highly in the PISA tables. Held every three years, the Programme […]

Learning barriers facing prisoners

Learning barriers facing prisoners

Today’s NEC Blog is written by Wendy Monaghan, who has considerable experience of working with distance learners in many different contexts and is currently at the University of East London. Her MA Leadership in Education dissertation was entitled: ‘Distance Learning Trends in Prisons in England and Wales.’ During his 27 years imprisonment Nelson Mandela studied for […]

Ignite your love of learning this Valentine’s day

Ignite your love of learning this Valentine’s day

It’s Valentine’s day, so we thought we’d talk about our biggest love at NEC: learning! There are so many reasons to love learning, these are our top 5. 1: There are so many ways to learn! If the thought of a classroom sends you running for the hills, you can learn online, like an NEC […]

Top tips for starting a distance learning adventure in 2018

Top tips for starting a distance learning adventure in 2018

With the festive season in full swing, plans and resolutions for 2018 are rapidly approaching. If your 2018 ambitions include a return to study via distance learning, why not use the next few weeks to identify a course that offers the support you need? For distance learners, support offered by their course provider is key […]

How does written non-examination assessment (NEA) work?

How does written non-examination assessment (NEA) work?

If you’re taking A levels in English language, English literature or history you’ll need to think about the written piece of non-examination assessment (NEA). It counts as 20% of your overall A level grade. NEA needs to be marked to the standards of the awarding organisation and to be recognised as the work of the […]