Guest Blogs

The economics of political parties

By Roy Bowden Roy, a tutor on NEC’s A level Economics explains how A level Economics students can use the manifestos of political parties…

Embarking on a journey: My decision to ‘Fast-Track’ A level Physics with NEC

We’re delighted to share the first in a series of guest posts by Izzy an NEC learner who is sharing her learning journey with…

Homeschooler Andrew’s experience of studying IGCSE Chemistry

Last year, we shared Andrew’s experience of how homeschooling was helping him to balance education and family commitments. We caught up with Andrew to…

National Extension College: Bringing education to you

For over 60 years, National Extension College (NEC) has worked towards the goal of transforming lives and opening up new educational possibilities for people…

Why study Classics as a teacher?

The Classical Association is offering five bursaries for state sector teachers to study A level Classical Civilisation flexibly with NEC. Bursary recipients will be…

The benefits of offering Classics to your students

The Classical Association is offering five bursaries for state sector teachers to study A level Classical Civilisation flexibly with NEC. Bursary recipients will be…

Is education the answer to social mobility? The contribution of the National Extension College.

All political parties talk loudly about their commitment to social mobility and levelling up, but progress over the last decades has been dire and…

Why study A level Geography?

To celebrate the launch of NEC’s online interactive A level Geography, we spoke to lead tutor Alison Leadbetter about why she loves the subject…

National Poetry Day 2021: a whistle-stop tour through NEC English tutor Colin’s favourite poets and poems

Thursday, 7 October is National Poetry Day. To celebrate, we challenged NEC English tutor Colin to pick a favourite poem…  Phew! This is the…

How is bookkeeping done differently in the digital age?

Whether you are running your own business, wanting to develop skills for a career as a bookkeeper, or wanting to support your family business,…

Other articles...

Sharon’s positive experience of distance learning leads to an A grade in her English Language A level

There’s no denying that distance learning is rapidly gaining popularity as a successful educational platform outside of traditional schools and colleges. With this in…

Embracing Distance Learning: A Path to Inclusive Education and Lifelong Learning

In the realm of education policy, recent discussions have circled around the merits of reshaping our approach to learning, making it more inclusive and…

NEC’s 60th Birthday Bursary Winner

2023 has been marked as an incredible year as NEC celebrated its 60th birthday. As part of the celebrations, NEC offered a bursary which…

What to Do When You Didn’t Get the GCSE Results You Wanted

Failing an exam or receiving exam results that are lower than you expected can be disheartening, especially if you had high hopes for your…

GCSE Results Day 2023: Your Complete Guide

GCSE results day is a pivotal moment in the academic journey for students, parents, and educators alike. After the tumultuous disruptions caused by the…

National Extension College: Sixty years of second chance learning – FE Week

“There is no doubt that its (National Extension College) original remit – to offer second chances to learners in our educationally divided country –…

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Online?

When it comes to studying, traditional school and educational settings aren’t the only options for students. With distance learning becoming more and more popular,…

A level Results Day 2023: Navigating the Process for Applying to University

Are you ready for A level Results Day 2023? Whether you’re anticipating your grades with excitement or feeling a bit jittery, we’ve got you…

A level Results Day 2023: Your Comprehensive Guide

As A level Results Day 2023 inches closer, it’s crucial to be well-informed about the details. From key dates to grading changes and post-results…

What is Homeschooling?

In recent years, the idea of homeschool learning has been gaining popularity as an effective academic alternative. Homeschooling offers a unique approach to learning…