Passion and Academics: How Izzy Balances Full-time Musical Theatre Studies with Studying A level Physics

Earlier this year we introduced Izzy who was embarking on a journey to fast-track her A level Physics studies with NEC. In the second…

Why Study Physics?

Did you know that if you fold a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach the moon? This might sound impossible but physics…

Embarking on a journey: My decision to ‘Fast-Track’ A level Physics with NEC

We’re delighted to share the first in a series of guest posts by Izzy an NEC learner who is sharing her learning journey with…

Can you gain an A level within a year?

Complete an A level in one year with NEC’s online Structured Fast Track A levels. We understand that some goals and deadlines can’t wait…

A level Biology makes career progression hope a reality

At NEC, we aim to help students achieve their goals. We love to help students to advance their careers by gaining the essential qualifications…

A levels alongside full-time performing arts college leads to nursing at University of Southampton

With a part-time job and studying full-time at her local performing arts college, Kayleigh found that distance learning with NEC fit around her other…

Doing A level Biology in a year with NEC leads to medicine at Swansea University

After deciding to return to university to study medicine, Darius considered independently organising and sitting an A level but wasn’t sure where to start….

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