Tag: a level

Should I be more productive in lockdown?

Should I be more productive in lockdown?

This week’s post is written by Christine Cox, one of our expert GCSE and A level English Language tutors. Lockdown inertia Time flies … spring has disappeared and it looks like perhaps June too will be another month of waiting and wondering when this pandemic will end.  Since 23rd March, time as we know it, […]

How can studying biology help you understand coronavirus?

How can studying biology help you understand coronavirus?

Written by NEC biology tutor Josie Briggs, learn about how studying biology can help during this time. Trial vaccine for COVID-19 coronavirus Most people know by now what the virus that causes COVID-19 looks like, with pictures of it every time we watch the news on TV. This tiny pathogen is essentially a sphere with […]

What is the best way to revise for exams?

What is the best way to revise for exams?

How do you get the best out of your revision? How do you avoid common mistakes? How do you perfect your exam technique? With over 55 years’ experience helping students achieve valuable qualifications, we understand how stressful exams can be. That is why we’ve put together a useful guide of where to get started with […]

“If you can read the world around you, you can change the world around you.”

“If you can read the world around you, you can change the world around you.”

Art history has long had an undeserved reputation as something for the privileged. However, in today’s increasingly visual world, it is more important than ever. From Instagram to advertising, Netflix to magazines, we absorb images often without giving any critical thought to what we are seeing. Studying art history shows us how to read images, […]

Guest article: “An A level in art history can open up many possibilities”

Guest article: “An A level in art history can open up many possibilities”

No-one ever told me that there was a subject called ‘art history’ when I was at my school in Yorkshire, I had to wait until I discovered it at University. I changed my degree choice from English to the subject that I have had the joy of teaching and researching for the last 25 years […]

The future is digital for A level History of Art

The future is digital for A level History of Art

Yesterday (12th November), I attended the official launch event of our online A level History of Art course, held at The Grammar School at Leeds, one of the project’s academic partners. Griselda Pollock (pictured above), Professor of Social and Critical Histories of Art at the University of Leeds, delivered a lecture to students from schools […]

A level exam results of NEC students released

A level exam results of NEC students released

You don’t have to go to school to get an A level. Among the 300,000 students (BBC, 2019) taking A levels each year are thousands of adult and young learners who enter their examinations as private candidates. These include young people educated at home, adults who want a second chance at learning usually to prepare […]

From NEC to Oxford

From NEC to Oxford

Ella studied A level English Literature and Classical Civilisation with NEC, obtaining an A* and A grade respectively. She has now been offered a place to read English and German at the University of Oxford this autumn. “My experience of school was not very positive, I experienced bullying and discrimination, and was also aware of […]