Tag: A levels

The National Extension College response to the 2020 exams fiasco

The National Extension College response to the 2020 exams fiasco 2020 exams

The National Extension College understands how important A levels and other qualifications are to our students. Over our 57 years as an education provider we have seen the difference that a qualification can make to someone’s life, whether it opens the door to getting into the university of their choice or starting a dream job, […]

Can you study science A levels by distance learning?

Can you study science A levels by distance learning? close up of male using microscope for a distance learning science a level distance learning course practical

When considering taking A levels as a distance learner, you may be wondering if it’s possible to study science. Can you do A level Science online? Thankfully, yes! It is possible to study science subjects online, and in this blog post, we will explore how to do so at NEC. NEC offers a range of […]