Tag: english literature

How Toby Found a Perfect Fit for His Passion: Online A level English Literature with NEC

How Toby Found a Perfect Fit for His Passion: Online A level English Literature with NEC Toby

Toby H, an avid theatre and drama enthusiast, had always been home educated. With a strong foundation of nine GCSEs, he was eager to dive deeper into his academic interests before heading to college. Whilst on a gap year, the idea to explore his passion for English Literature came up, Toby knew he needed a […]

Martin’s story: From no qualifications and working in a factory to a long academic journey and a professional career

Martin’s story: From no qualifications and working in a factory to a long academic journey and a professional career

With NEC celebrating our 60th birthday in 2023, we have been asking students for their stories of studying with NEC. Throughout our 60 years, we have seen hundreds of thousands of students enrol on NEC courses, all with different goals and reasons for accessing distance learning. One of our central aims since we were founded […]

National Poetry Day 2021: a whistle-stop tour through NEC English tutor Colin’s favourite poets and poems

National Poetry Day 2021: a whistle-stop tour through NEC English tutor Colin’s favourite poets and poems

Thursday, 7 October is National Poetry Day. To celebrate, we challenged NEC English tutor Colin to pick a favourite poem…  Phew! This is the sort of thing one signs up to, only to find it’s rather complex! Favourite poem? I have lots. Favourite poet might be easier, but there’s still more than one. Perhaps it […]

Celebrating the power of children’s literature

Celebrating the power of children’s literature

As he put his hand on the door latch, she said, “If the red blob leads to Kingsbury and the blue blob goes to Porthaven, where does the black blob take you?” “What a nosy old woman you are!” said Howl. “That leads to my private bolt hole and you are not being told where […]

International Literacy Day 2021 – some tips and tricks for Read Hour

International Literacy Day 2021 – some tips and tricks for Read Hour

How often do you get a chance to settle down with a good book? How long do you actually get to spend with that book before the usual distractions kick in (your phone/your children/your bath water now feeling quite tepid and unpleasant)? This International Literacy Day, on Wednesday, 8th September, the UK is joining Read […]