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Psychology A Level


A level Psychology

Explore thought-provoking topics and develop the scientific skills required to investigate and analyse the complexities of human behaviour in our A level psychology online course.


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What really makes people tick? What factors affect mood and behaviour? If human behaviour interests you, studying A level Psychology online with NEC will open up some fascinating answers!

By studying psychology at A level, you’ll hone your analytical and organisational skills by learning and exploring different conditions, situations and theories – for example how to collect and process data, as well as using many other essential scientific research methods.

This intriguing subject is taught through a variety of topics including memory, early cognitive development in children, schizophrenia and depression.  Choosing this course opens up opportunities to become more employable and highly-skilled, as well as informing how you currently view and understand society and the people who make it up.

NEC's A level Psychology: 100% pass rate with 96% A*-C

Why study Psychology?

Why do people develop schizophrenia? How can the media play a part in human aggression? Psychology A level explores big ideas and topics that affect human moods and behaviour.

Covering all six of the discipline’s core areas, there is plenty for you to learn and absorb in Psychology A level online with NEC. The course enables you to combine research and analytical tools, with an ability to become a better communicator.

Studying  A level Psychology online with NEC is ideal if you:

  • Are interested in finding out how, and why, we behave as we do.
  • Would like to increase your skill set – particularly in the areas of analytical research, team working, communication skills, handling data, statistics and problem solving.
  • Want to learn more about research methods and how they can be utilised.
  • Aspire to progressing in a relevant career or higher education.

Future opportunities

  • Studying other sciences, or psychology, at degree level.
  • A range of careers in fields such as psychology (occupational, clinical, health, educational or high-intensity psychologist roles), advertising, psychotherapy, counselling, consultancy and advice work.

Course content

Section 1: Approaching psychology

  • Introduction to psychology and its origins
  • Learning and cognitive approaches
  • The biological approach and biopsychology

Section 2: Memory

  • Multi-store model of memory
  • Working memory model
  • Explanations for forgetting
  • Eyewitness testimony

Section 3: Social influence: conformity and obedience

  • Conformity
  • Obedience
  • Resistance to social influence
  • Minority influence and social change

Section 4: Developmental psychology: attachment

  • Development of attachment
  • Explanations of attachment
  • Types of attachment
  • Maternal deprivation

Section 5: Psychopathology

  • Definitions of abnormality
  • Phobias, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • The behavioural approach to phobias
  • The cognitive approach to depression
  • The biological approach to OCD

Section 6: Research methods

  • Research methods
  • Scientific processes
  • Data analysis and presentation
  • Maths resources

Section 7: Approaches and debates

  • The psychodynamic approach
  • The humanistic approach
  • Further biopsychology
  • Gender and culture in psychology
  • Free will and determinism
  • The nature–nuture debate
  • Holism and reductionism
  • Idiopathic and nomothetic approaches
  • Ethical implications of research studies
  • Comparing approaches

Section 8: Schizophrenia

  • Classifying schizophrenia
  • Explanations for schizophrenia
  • Therapies for schizophrenia
  • The interactionist approach

Section 9: Cognition and development

  • Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
  • Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development
  • Baillargeon and early infant abilities
  • The development of social cognition

Section 10: Aggression and further research methods

  • Biopsychological explanations of aggression
  • Ethological and evolutionary explanations of aggression
  • Social explanations for human aggression
  • Institutional aggression
  • Media influences on aggression
  • Psychology as a science
  • Inferential testing
  • Choosing a statistical test

Study A level Psychology with us and benefit from:

  • Flexible learning
  • Support from a personal tutor by email, phone or Skype
  • Any time enrolment
  • Our exam booking service
  • Assignments with tutor feedback
  • Ongoing support from Student Support
  • Forums to discuss your course with other students


Choose when and where you access your course, using learn@nec our 24/7 learning platform.

This easy-to-use learning platform includes interactive checkpoints, quizzes and activities to help you evaluate your progress.

Your tutor

You’ll have access to support from a personal tutor. All NEC tutors are subject experts, with experience of supporting online learners.

Meet Mo who is just one of our first-class Psychology tutors:

“I have over 20 years experience of teaching both Psychology and Sociology and I have worked as a senior examiner for a major exam board for many years. Psychology is a fascinating subject and offers us an insight into individuals and differences in behaviour. The course allows you to learn about various aspects of Psychology from what makes an individual obedient to the causes of mental illness. I am still learning new and exciting aspects of human behaviour. Which aspects of the specification interest you, will be a really personal discovery, this will allow you to investigate and learn more as your curiosity is raised. This means that I really enjoy working with students as they will always show me some insight or detail that I have never considered and it makes your studies collaborative.”

What you need to know

Exam board

  • AQA 7182


  • Online learning with support from a personal tutor


  • Complete at your own pace
  • Approx. 250-300* hours plus time for completing assignments

*The specification suggests that 300 hours is needed. You’ll also need time to complete assignments and prepare yourself for exams and some courses like English literature involve a lot of reading. Everyone is different so it’s impossible to say with certainty how long a course will take you, but you should expect to spend longer than 300 hours. Taken across the length of time we recommend, this equates to approximately 5 hours per week. This will increase if you choose to take it over a shorter time frame or may be less if you are retaking a subject and have covered a lot of of the course content.


  • 11 assignments (one introductory) – these do not contribute towards your final grade


Set textbooks – included as a free ebook with your course:

  • AQA A level Psychology Book 1, Jean-Marc Lawton and Eleanor Willard, Hodder Education, 2015
  • AQA A level Psychology Book 2, Jean-Marc Lawton and Eleanor Willard, Hodder Education, 2015


  • Internet access
  • Computer operating system and browser to support learn@nec

What's included?

Our course fees are clear and transparent to help you plan for any additional costs.

Your course fee includes:

  • 24/7 access to learn@nec platform and resources
  • Expertly designed online course materials (including ebook versions of textbooks where specified) that you need to complete the course
  • Support from our Student Services team
  • Structured assignments carefully designed to prepare you for exams
  • Guidance from your tutor for up to 24 months from your date of enrolment
  • Extensive feedback to all assignments that will support your learning
  • NEA (coursework) marking and authentication
  • Marking for one examination paper (from a previous year)
  • Guaranteed exam place
  • NEC’s guide to study skills: How to Succeed as an Independent Learner
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar guide
  • Time planner template to help you plan your study timetable
  • Information on how to apply for exams

Your course fee does not cover:

  • Any fees in relation to exam entries or assessments
  • Centre Assessment Grades (CAG) in the event of exam cancellation
  • Recommended textbooks for additional reading or set texts

If you need more support, you can purchase:

  • Online tutorials – if you need help with a specific topic you can arrange a 30 minute or 1 hour tutorial
  • Additional past paper marking – to help with your exam preparation
  • Revision tutorial –  to plan your revision and explore revision techniques
  • Help with your UCAS application service

For further information on additional/optional support you can purchase, please visit our additional services page.

Exams and assessment

Exams (three):

  • 33.3% of marks  (2 hours)
  • 33.3% of marks  (2 hours)
  • 33.3% of marks  (2 hours)

There is no non-exam assessment (NEA) for this course

Additional support if you’re under 18

We know that our younger students often need an extra helping hand with their studies. In our experience learning online works best when either a parent or guardian are involved. This is why NEC has developed our unique Progress Tracker to help you to support your child.

NEC’s Progress Tracker will allow you to easily track your child’s progress across their subjects and gain insight to how well they are doing through access to their assignment grades and tutor feedback.  

Read more about how we work with young students who are studying at home or through a school.

Arrange a callback with a member of our Course Advice Team.

Would you like to talk to our Course Advice Team about the best route for you? Visit our Contact Us page, fill in the form and a member of the team will get back to you!