Our dedicated tutors are qualified teachers committed to supporting our learners.

Your tutor will be there to offer support and feedback throughout the course, as well as mark assignments and, when needed, coursework. We only select tutors who have demonstrated expert knowledge in their field, with most being experienced teachers or trainers. Many of our tutors are examiners for the main awarding bodies so have experience of marking exam papers which helps them provide excellent feedback and support.

Having the right tutor makes a huge difference to a student’s experience. Time and again we hear from our students who tell us that their tutor gave them confidence to succeed, encouraged them to keep studying and helped them gain the qualification(s) they needed to go to university or to change career.

One-to-one tutor support

Our tutors are qualified teachers, experienced in online learning and examinations, and committed to supporting our learners.
Your tutor will mark your assignments, and provide detailed feedback.

Need clarification on a topic?

Tutors are available to answer questions and provide academic support through the learn@nec messaging system.
You will have access to forums 24/7 7 days a week, meaning you can contact fellow students and tutors at a time that suits you.
Your course includes a past paper that will be marked by your tutor, with feedback helping you improve your work. (A level only)

How else can your tutor support you?

You can arrange:

  • Arrange one-to-one tutorials with your tutor.
  • Practice makes perfect! Complete past papers and have them marked by your tutor.
  • Tutors can support your UCAS application with predicted grades and subject references.

Find out more about our additional services here.